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The Atari 5200 Podcast

Dec 29, 2017

Happy Holidays!!! Or as we like to say, “Good Times!”

In this our Holiday Minisode. With all of us working and being with family this holiday season, we wanted to reach out and give the fans something before we finish our Sportsapaloza episodes. So, we decided to give an update on what is going on with us and what is going on within the 5200 Community. Also, we let MetalJesusRocks what we think of his latest YouTube episode.

Action! Adventure! Justice! REVENGE!!!

All here. On The Atari 5200 Podcast!

Francisco Becerra A
over seven years ago

I am a fantastic and nostalgic of the Atari brand and everything related to it on all its platforms is already 2600,2800,7800,5200, Jaguar Lynx
since I lived the golden age of Atari!

Doctor Clu
over seven years ago

The great thing I like about the 5200 is the quality of arcade ports. At least that is what I enjoyed when playing in the 5200 high score club on Atariage.