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The Atari 5200 Podcast

Jan 29, 2025

Warn the neighbors! The Boys are back together again! Pete gets a new car. Captain Bob foolishly contemplates volunteering again. And Mike is serving up solder for Thanksgiving. Oh yeah, and we review the platformer games of Mario Bros and Popeye.

Suspense! Intrigue! Motherboards for Dinner! It's all here in this...

Jun 3, 2024

OMG, Becky! Look at those podcasters! They put out another episode!

In this episode the gang gets together again to pick apart and review the Activision scrolling games. The Dreadnaught Factor and Carol Shaw's classic, River Raid.

Plus Pete checks in from Pinball at the Zoo in Kalamazoo, MI where his enthusiasm gets the...

Nov 9, 2023

Hello Again to our faithful and intrepid listeners! In this episode of the podcast, we venture into the Land of Meh. Tonight's deep dive we profile two of the most underrated games of the 5200 library. Super Breakout and Kaboom! by Activision. And when you start digging, you always find a bit of a surprise. And these...

May 25, 2023

Once more unto the breach, dear friends! The gang gets together again to reminince of the great game company, Sega. We get a brief history of the company and delve into two of their most popular games, Zaxxon and Buck Rogers-Planet of Zoom. Not to mention your recommended daily amount of jackassery and hijinx.


Nov 16, 2022

Hello, Everyone!

Yes, we're still here and still doing the podcast. It's a little late, but that's normal around here. Anyhoo-the gang gets together to talk about one of the biggest events in retrogaming, The Portland Retro Gaming Expo. This was fun because it was a free-form, unscripted episode.

This one is for you,...